Sunday, August 21, 2016

Who likes to be measured? (And what is it you can get out of it?)

Fascinatingly, the issues of time tracking always brings up heated discussions – but is it really time-tracking itself, that is the issue?

Time tracking in the Pomodoro-Technique

In the Pomodoro-Technique – a very simple but efficient approach to time management that used to be freely available – time and behavior tracking are essential. (Unfortunately the free description is no longer easily available –even though you could search for “pomodoro technique cheat sheet”– and the wikipedia entry doesn't reflect on the different ways interruptions are measured and handled in the technique – but the book is well worth a read)

Time tracking in the Personal Software Process (PSP)

The PSP uses time-tracking on a personal basis to improve learning and get to know yourself better. And it also employs behavior tracking.

Time tracking in Sports

Sport – even for the amateur – would be almost unthinkable without tracking.
“How fast did he go?” – “I can‘t tell you, our company policy strictly rules out personal performance tracking” doesn’t make for a great conversation.

And even for people who don't do their sport competitively, measuring their data seems to be important – at least the huge number of tracking devices for speed, steps, heartbeat, cadence) etc. seems to imply that people do want to know how to get better.

When does time tracking fail?

  • When it is used to control people
  • When it is used to distribute budgets - especially after the fact

Time tracking as a way to get better

In my experience people who actually track how they spend their time for their own good tend to get better in a lot of ways.

How you personally use that information depends strongly on context. If it fits your needs, you might use the true handling times of an item to calculate your actual flow efficiency as a team. Or you could use the average time you spend in meetings to convince your boss that you should have less meetings. Some people like to use the delta between their personal estimates and the actual time they spent on the items to improve their estimates – just for themselves, without telling anybody. And if the Situation calls for it you could do something completely different with your data. But very often just having the data enables you to get better a what you're doing.

So – how about giving it a try? (this article was written at a speed of 425 word in 55 minutes, which comes down to an average of 7,7 words per minute)

till next time
  Michael Mahlberg

Sunday, August 07, 2016

What is a “must have”?

Language is important – almost always.

One of my pet peeves is the word “must.“

As in “We must have the feature «x»”, or in “We must do it in this manner.“

From my understanding these are incomplete statements. The missing part is about what happens if we don't.

Complete statements would include the consequences. And thus allow the discussion of the topic. When "We must have the feature «x» to avoid paying a £5 fine” we could easily decide that it is not worth the effort. Whereas if “We must do it in this manner to avoid paying a € 5.000.000 fine” the decision is likely to be different.

So, IMHO a “must” must have explicitly stated consequences in order to make it a helpful addition to a conversation.

till next time
  Michael Mahlberg