Thursday, August 11, 2011

16 elevator pitches for scrum as a contribution to @boeffi's compilation

As an answer to a recent query for scrum elevator pitches on twitter from @boeffi (Who also runs German blog on software development) I asked myself (and him subsequently) a couple of questions regarding the setting and desired result to target the 140 character accordingly...
Unfortunately (for me) his answer was "All of them".
Please join the discussion at his site

Challenge accepted!

Given that I asked about four dimensions I think 16 "pitches" of less-than-140 characters will do for starters...

The collection of Scrum Elevator Pitches

Please read the disclaimer below - don't use them literally
  • The physically realized earned value from delivering fully functional slices in scrum takes ROI from estimatable to measurable
    MSLM: Management, Sell, Long term, Money
  • Proccesses like Scrum can help in the transformation of the whole organization towards lean by providing transparency throughout.
    MCLM: Management, Convince, Long term, Money
  • By concentrating on the most valuable parts in shippable slices Scrum reduces time to market considerably - often to a few weeks.
    PSLM: Users, Sell, Long term, Money
  • Instead of investing the subject matter expert's time in the test at the end Scrum involves him early to build a fitting product
    PCLM: User, Convince, Long term, Money
  • One scrum project, budgeted for 10 Mio $ was ended after spending only 2 Mio $ – because it had delivered all the important features
    MSSM: Management, Sell, Short term, Money
  • Scrum's focus on a "potetially shippable" increments ensures that the produced product-parts provide real value to the users
    MCSM: Management, Convince, Short term, Money
  • The proven prioritization models of Scrum enable you to get high value from the development team early for your time investment
    PSSM: User, Sell, Short term, Money
  • The continuous effort you put into specifications can be turned into continuously valuable and tangible results by Scrum
    PCSM: User, Convince, Short term, Money
  • Scrum can give organizations the information they need for a fundamental reorientation - or help to make them ready for it
    MSLB: Management, Sell, Long-Term, Buy-in
  • Having crunch times and lulls can be countered by adopting the basic Scrum rules - they create a self balancing, sustainable system
    MCLB: Management, Convince, Long-Term, Buy-in
  • Getting Scrum to both sides - developers and users - gives users a real strong lever over the scope of the final delivery
    PSLB: User, Sell, Long-Term, Buy-in
  • If all the effort that goes into upfront specs went into a Scrum-like collaboration the results would be closer aligned to the needs
    PCLB: User, Convince, Long-Term, Buy-in
  • Scrum is a set of techniques that generates transparency and makes projects predictable and controllable again.
    MSSB: Management, Sell, Short term, Buy-in
  • With scrum both parties of product development lay out rules that ensure - but also requires - mutual commitment and engagement
    MCSB: Management, Convince, Short term, Buy-in
  • With Scrum you get the opportunity to set the direction of the development at least once a month.
    PSSB: User, Sell, Short term, Buy-in
  • If you want to gain a real and direct influence over the priorities in the development team you might want to have a look at scrum.
    PCSB: User, Convince, Short term, Buy-in

Explanation of the Dimensions: Audience, Goal, Timeframe, Required Action
Audience: [Management=M, user representative or possible Product owner=P]
Goal: [Sell=S, Convince=C]
Timeframe: [Long term=L, Short term=S]
Required Action: [allocate Money or resources=M, Buy in=B]


These are examples of pitches for generic situations - don't use them! Forge your own given your specific situation and requirements.
In my opinion there is no such thing as one right elevator pitch for anything - it's all about the context.