Friday, March 11, 2011

Digital Taskboards I'm aware of as of 2011-03-11

At the Agile London usergroup meetup last night the topic of digital taskboards came up and I promised one of the participants to send a link to /one/ of them… since I couldn't remember which one I was referring to (it was kanbanery, I found my note eventually) I went through the list in my head and realised that the list isn't so short any more…

  • Qanban…a very promising (and free as in speech) project from @xlson which unfortunately doesn't undergo much development right now. But… it's open source, the source is on github - you know what to do!

  • Kanbanery…got a lot of mentions lately on twitter, but I only did a testdrive

  • Pivotal tracker…A friend of mine uses that a lot (Cheers @jcfischer) and is quite pleased with it

  • See Now Do… haven't tried it, but I know the product owner and from that I infer that it ought to be good

  • Atlassian / Jira / Greenhopper
  • … that was the one we where searching alternatives for...

@Lynne: Sorry - to many to tweet directly


Jens-Christian Fischer said...

I also quite like

Unknown said...

We are currently using Xplanner-Plus but there is no Task board. It is an excellent tool to keep track of Backlog, Sprints and Task effort. a free open source product.

@Robert_Sprigge said...

#targetprocess: Development Process #Customization and Work-flows | TargetProcess

Pom said...

From our frustration of not being able to find Agile "collaboration" tool which is humane, simple, and eye-pleasing, we are building Eidos. We are launching our beta soon and we are desperately looking for feedback from fellow Agile practitioners. More at